
Happy Spring!

Spring has finally arrived, and the snow has begun to melt! Swim lessons are finally over, and last week baseball season has begun! Jake is playing on a minor league team, and Emily has started T-ball. Josh is staying busy with 4-H and taking care of his flock of chickens.

I'm definitely getting my workout today. Somedays, having a house with 4 flights of stairs comes in handy in that aspect. Jacob woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and headache, and Josh seconded that later this morning after he woke up. So I've been going up and down the stairs all day giving tylenol, more water, cleaning out buckets (gross!) and checking in on sleeping kiddos.
Then to top it off the other day Emily pulled a muscle in her leg, and hasn't been able to walk much on it. Although by now I think she's probably just milking it. Eventhough she is the "healthy one" she seems to be the most demanding of all 3, and can bellar the loudest. Lucky, or un-lucky for me, depends on how you look at it, her room is on the top floor, so from my desk that's 3 flights of stairs up to get to her room. :/

Hoping this bug passes quickly and no one else manages to catch it.

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